HL7 FHIR & 2024 SVAP: The Future of Healthcare Interoperability

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As we move through the middle of the year, advocates for interoperability in healthcare have introduced another set of standard updates.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has announced that health IT developers and clinics aiming to participate in the ONC Health IT Certification Program can integrate the approved Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP) as early as August 19, 2024.

The framework supports the ability of health IT to keep pace with the latest advancements in health data, including HL7 and FHIR standards. HL7 (Health Level 7) is an international benchmark for formatting and communicating electronic health information between healthcare systems.

As an improved version of the HL7 standard, FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) provides healthcare users with a flexible and secure way to share and access data through web-based technologies and application programming interfaces (APIs).

Dive into this high-level guide to explore the evolution of healthcare interoperability and the benefits it brings. Discover which solutions to consider when integrating interoperability to ensure your healthcare IT assets comply with the 2024 SVAP framework.

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The Evolution of Healthcare Interoperability

One of the notable things about the history of healthcare data exchange is that electronic health records came first before the formation of HL7. The need for data exchange frameworks became apparent with the development of these systems, as early EHRs lacked standardized data exchange capabilities. 

Here’s a brief timeline of the history of care data exchange standards:

  • 1960s-1970s: Hospitals started developing their own EHR systems to digitize medical records.
  • 1987: HL7 is established as a non-profit organization. This association creates standards for exchanging healthcare information; their first product was the HL7 Version 2 (V2), a messaging standard widely adopted for clinical data exchange.
  • 2011: The organization introduced HL7 V3, a standard with a more rigorous data model based on the Reference Information Model (RIM). However, due to its complexity, only a few clinics and hospitals adopted it. 
  • 2014: HL7 released FHIR for trial use. It garnered rapid interest due to its simplicity and modern approach to data exchange. Developers used FHIR in emerging health IT projects, including mobile and web applications.
  • 2021: The U.S. Cures Act Final Rule requires using HL7 FHIR for APIs to enhance patient access to health information and promote interoperability. This law speeds up the adoption of FHIR throughout the U.S. healthcare system.
  • 2024: ONC, established to standardize healthcare data exchange, released the updated SVAP standards covering critical updates in United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI), public health standards, interoperability, and accessibility standards.

With a vast healthcare ecosystem, SVAP standards significantly affect various aspects, including electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchange (HIE) networks, state public health systems, telehealth platforms, pharmacy information systems, and patient portals.

Exploring USCDI v4 with HL7 FHIR Standards

FHIR was built as a modern, web-based standard to facilitate interoperability between healthcare systems. This framework enables easier integration with mobile apps, cloud services, and other web technologies. Further versions covered resources for clinical data, financial transactions, and other aspects of healthcare.

As noted in the new standards, there had been strong public support for including USCDI Version 4 in the 2024 SVAP standards, adding elements such as:

  • – Medication reconciliation
  • – Advance care planning
  • – Behavioral health assessments
  • – Lab results

Also, public feedback supports FHIR integration through updates in the HL7 FHIR US Core Implementation Guide and the HL7 Consolidated CDA Templates. These changes should help ensure that health IT systems can consistently use and exchange data in USCDI v4.

Enhancing Public Health Reporting

Following the challenges healthcare organizations have faced due to the pandemic, the SVAP standards now include updated guidelines for immunization messaging, disease surveillance, and health surveys.

These guides provide a transparent framework for public health standards. The affected initiatives include outbreak detection, emergency response, and patient safety through improved data sharing and reporting.

Improving Security and Accessibility for EHR Apps

The SMART Application Launch Framework was updated with better security features for apps that access EHR data. In addition, the standards now recommend using the new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) when creating and enhancing digital content to make it more accessible to people with disabilities. This includes making online platforms easier for individuals to navigate.

Advantages of HL7 FHIR in Healthcare

The doctor and patient benefit from interoperability in healthcare

With the updates in SVAP standards, healthcare organizations like yours can fully leverage HL7 FHIR interoperability. Here are the advantages of HL7 FHIR:

1. Enhanced data exchange: FHIR supports the consistent implementation of USCDI v4, ensuring that healthcare IT systems can reliably access, exchange, and use expanded data sets like lab results.

2. Improved health equity: By incorporating new data elements focused on behavioral health and underserved communities, HL7 FHIR addresses health equity disparities.

3. Integration with other standards: FHIR works with other standards, such as the HL7 CDA Implementation Guide, to consolidate clinical data exchange, making it easier for physicians to share critical information.

4. Reduced errors: HL7 FHIR enables healthcare providers to efficiently query medical records across different systems, reducing the likelihood of mistakes due to outdated or missing data.

5. Public health support: Public health agency’s FHIR implementation guides facilitate streamlined workflows, leading to timely responses to public health emergencies.

6. Security and accessibility: The SMART on FHIR framework provides enhanced security features for browser-based apps and improved accessibility through web content standards.

7. Comprehensive implementation guide registry: HL7 provides a detailed FHIR specification implementation guide registry, which helps developers find and use the correct FHIR resources and standards for their specific needs.

Build 36 for IMS: Enhancing FHIR Implementation

Interoperable EHR software brings peace of mind to the doctor

In addition to meeting SVAP standards, consider exploring healthcare interoperability solutions to enhance data exchange for prescriptions or reporting for one of the CMS incentive programs. Our most recent version of electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) is the ideal system for your clinic.

Real-time prescription benefits: The latest Build 36 includes improved HL7 FHIR by integrating with Surescripts, which enables smooth data exchange and real-time prescription updates. 

Collaborating with major players in health information interoperability, such as CommonWell, Carequality, and eHealth Exchange, Surescripts ensures that clinics achieve nationwide interoperability while also ensuring that patient data is available to clinicians at the point of care.

Updated MIPS reporting templates: Enhanced MIPS reporting and comprehensive access to patient information make Build 36 an efficient and accurate data management tool. It aligns with FHIR standards to improve healthcare delivery while ensuring you get better MIPS scores in the long run.

Tap Into Our Expertise 

The ONC has made significant strides in standardizing healthcare data exchange by releasing the updated SVAP standards. These standards encompass critical updates in the USCDI, public health, interoperability, and accessibility and align with the latest HL7 and FHIR standards.

Embrace the future of healthcare data with Build 36. Our latest EHR system supports the updated SVAP standards and HL7 FHIR. Call 480-782-1116 to enhance your clinic’s data integrity and empower patients with their health information.

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