Physicians across the country are enjoying a well established Medical billing program.
Patient Accounting Practice Management Software
ASPC is an innovative Patient Accounting and Practice Management System designed to help medical practices improve quality of care, reduce risk, cut costs, and increase revenues. Appropriate for any sized medical practice—from a small, solo practice to a large, multi-provider/multi-location group—this feature-rich system allows you to create and maintain patient billing information faster and more efficiently than ever before.
Physician’s staff can enter patient information and post charges faster and more accurately with the use of our simplified medical billing software—promoting physicians acceptance and greater investment protection with faster insurance reimbursement and improved collections. ASPC’s Windows-based system, coupled with its well designed patient information screens makes learning the system easy.
Electronic Claims and Payments – HIPAA Compliant!
Electronic filing is fast and efficient. In short, electronic filing is good business. By utilizing DBC®’s electronic claims module, (included with the main AS/PC® program at no additional charge), you can trim claims collections from an average of 3-4 weeks to 4-5 days! DBC’s add-on AutoPay program can even make short, accurate work of posting your payments electronically.
Our Development Team works diligently to ensure that AS/PC® users remain in compliance with Medicare requirements for electronic claims submission at all times. Nearly a decade ago, DBC® was the first vendor to offer the ANSI 837 electronic claims that ultimately evolved into the new HIPAA-mandated ANSI X12 standard. DBC® has received approval for successful X12 file submission in all states. This ensures that the healthcare professionals who rely on AS/PC® each day are in total compliance with the ANSI X12 standard.
Now, your practice can submit claims:
Directly to all Insurance Carriers an no charge per claim.
Directly to Medicare using the new Medicare ANSI X12 Standard 837 format, at no charge per claim.
Direct to Blue Cross/Blue Shield organizations, at no charge per claim.
Advanced Reporting Module
This potent group of analytical tools is a must-have add-on module for any practice with a growing number of patients. From analysis of payments and patient visits categorized by carrier, procedure code, or other parameters to reports of patients due or past due for a certain procedure, this package will help you thoroughly evaluate the operations of your practice. Note: Some of these reports require entry of payments by the line item method.
Software Training
At 1st Providers Choice, we know the value of well-trained staff. We know that training is the key that unlocks the potential in AS/PC®. That’s why DB Consultants and our network of dealers include training in the purchase of AS/PC®. In addition, seminars are held in strategic locations nationwide. An outstanding AS/PC® CD Tutorial created by two of our top trainers is also available. This CD can be used to train your staff and can be used over and over again. It is rich in content, and has built-in reviews and tests to ensure that you get the most out of the training.
Installation and Training
At 1st Provider Choice, we’re pretty picky about our software – and that makes us somewhat different from many software companies you may have come across in the past. Some companies will sell you their software and then wish you well. We don’t work that way. First of all, our customers don’t buy our software. They license a technology that will store and manipulate crucial patient and financial information: technology that will perform the complex information management tasks vital to a growing, healthy practice.
We are well aware that our customers are investing a substantial sum in a powerful software system for managing the practice they’ve worked long and hard to establish and maintain. They expect this investment to pay dividends for years to come. In many respects, our reputation is on the line every single day that your practice is open for business.
Consequently, it matters a great deal to us that your software is installed properly and that your staff and management – those charged with operating the AS/P® Practice-Management System – are prepared to get the most from the system.
Whether you purchase computers from a DBC® dealer or another vendor, or choose to use your existing equipment, DB Consultants provides a pre-installation checklist that will help your computer technician properly configure your computer equipment before your software is installed. This same checklist becomes our basis for understanding your system. The information included on the completed checklist provides DBC® Technical Support Staff with the basic information necessary for them to provide prompt, informed help should your staff call with a problem.
Medical Software Training
Staff training is one of the more crucial aspects of installing a practice-management system. It is also one that is too often overlooked or shortchanged. Initial training for the people – staff and practitioners – who will have to operate the system on a daily basis, is important and you will receive a specific amount of basic training with your license. In fact, we require it! We simply want to make sure you are comfortable with the system on your equipment, in your practice. Training included with the software is done over the internet and scheduled so that it is at your convenience in sessions that you feel are manageable.
However, to maximize your return on your investment in practice-management software, we strongly recommend that you consider advanced on-site training for key members of staff and then periodic skill-review sessions, which are especially handy when there has been a turnover in staff. Your DBC® dealer will be happy to discuss a training program that fits your needs.
Technical Support
When you purchase a license for AS/PC® software, you receive six months of unlimited technical support by telephone. Technical support is the backstop that ensures that your practice doesn’t suffer should your staff encounter a problem that’s beyond their level of expertise.
Our technicians are highly trained computer experts with the hands-on experience that’s so valuable when something goes awry. They know our software inside and out and know the demands of your practice, so they’re well prepared to get you back on track quickly and with as little stress as possible.
At 1st Providers Choice you always receive prompt, skilled and courteous technical support.
Product Upgrades
When you purchase AS/PC&ref; software you also receive all upgrades issued during the ensuing six months at no additional charge.
What are upgrades and why are they necessary? In essence, upgrades are your insurance that your AS/PC® software will never be outdated. If computer technology and the art of practice-management never changed, there would be little need for upgrades. However, these worlds are in almost constant flux and, to remain effective, the tools you use to manage your practice must evolve as well. New claim forms and changes in electronic claims submission requirements are just two ways that practice-management can change. Rest assured that at DB Consultants, we are monitoring this regulatory environment so that we’re prepared for these changes.
Some upgrades help your software work effectively with new computer hardware, operating systems, software or peripherals. Others help your software adapt to new developments in practice management. And still others incorporate features or improvements suggested by long time users of the program.
Each upgrade you receive is a demonstration of our ongoing commitment to making AS/PC® the most advanced and versatile practice-management software in the world.
AS/PC® System Features – Overview
AS/PC® for Windows provides you with the look and feel that’s synonymous with Windows® applications. In AS/PC®, you’ll find the polished graphic interface, pull-down menus, Hotkeys, shortcuts, button bars, and extensive online Help System that you’ve come to expect from the very best Windows applications. You’ll find that you can navigate from one screen to the next using the mouse or the keyboard, whichever is more comfortable for you. In addition, you’ll discover that we’ve designed AS/PC® to interface flawlessly not only with your favorite word processing and spreadsheet programs, but with the most popular scheduling and medical notes programs as well.
Behind the scenes. AS/PC® takes full advantage of the most powerful aspects of the Windows® architecture – things like OLE and DDE compliance, and powerful GUI technology. What this means to you is that:
- AS/PC® operates faster than ever before and provides an even broader range of data storage and retrieval options.
- Many of your staff will be familiar with the look, feel and many of the commands, even before they start working with AS/PC®!
- You can use image scanning or voice recognition software and then store the results – sound and graphic data such as voice notes, patient signatures, and x-rays – right in the patient’s record.
- Patient care, practice productivity and your bottom line will benefit.
Tried and true. Just in case you’re wondering, AS/PC® for Windows® has been in the market almost as long as Windows® itself – over a decade old now and growing strong! You’re probably aware by this time that Windows-based programs typically require 18 months before they’re up and running smoothly. AS/PC® finished its development phase before it left our headquarters and has an unparalleled record of smooth sailing. With AS/PC®, your practice isn’t at risk of suffering setbacks due to software growing pains. We’ve already got the years of experience in the Windows® environment that even many of our larger competitors lack.
You’re always in charge. At DBC®, we like software that lets us do things our way. We presume you feel the same way. That’s why AS/PC® is designed to let you tailor so many facets of the program to meet the specific needs of your practice today – and change them tomorrow when your needs change again. It’s your data — why not store and retrieve it in a fashion that suits you rather than the software developer? User-defined information fields, an entire patient sub-file that you design, virtually limitless note-file capability, more report formats than you can imagine, and some of the most sophisticated and comprehensive querying tools in the industry will ensure that you always get the right information at the right time in the right format.
Software for the life of your practice. Beneath the technical wizardry of its graphic interface, on-line help system, and wide-ranging connectivity, AS/PC® for Windows® is, at its heart, an unparalleled data-crunching workhorse – one that can start with your practice today and then keep pace with your growth. The reasons you’ll want AS/PC® on your side as you grow are myriad. For a sampling, just flip through the next couple of pages.
AS/PC® System Features – Windows Platform Features
- Attractive, easy-to-use Graphic Environment.
- Familiar Windows®-style Menus, Hotkeys, Shortcuts, Toolbars, Speed Tips, and on-line Help System.
- Use the mouse or the keyboard – you decide.
- OLE and DDE compliant. Compatible with your favorite Windows®-based programs!
- Cut and paste between AS/PC® and any compatible third party software – word processor, spreadsheet, scheduling software.
- Create patient notes in AS/PC®, then format and print them using WORD® or other word processing software.
- Merge your AS/PC® data into personalized letters in WORD®, into Excel® spreadsheets, or into your favorite Financial Graphing program.
- Store all pertinent patient data – including signatures, voice notes, x-rays or video clips created with other software – right in the patient file.
- Four levels of password security help protect your valuable data.
- Comprehensive Patient Records in a format so unique it’s copyrighted.
- An Innovative MY file that lets you decide which information to store and how to store it.
- Intuitive charges and payments entry. Unlimited patient note files.
- Searching is a snap with Query by Example – just type a few letters or numbers to get the information you need.
- If you’re stuck, press F1 when a field is highlighted to get immediate help on that topic.
- AS/PC® Speed Tips provide quick on-screen reminders – let the mouse linger over a button or topic, and a small label appear letting you know what function the item performs.
- Information or advice at a click of the mouse in our unparalleled On-line Help System.
- Over 100 predefined and custom reports.
- Easy to generate end of day, month and year reports.
- Use the Query Function to limit the records you review – and store the queries you use often.
- Use our Lister Function to create specific columnar reports that contain just the information you need.
- Print to most Windows® printers (we recommend the Hewlett Packard business series), including any installed fax or email on-site system.
- Preview reports to your screen before printing.
- Create your own Crystal® custom labels and reports.
- Store multiple PIN numbers and multiple group numbers for each provider over and above those stored in the provider file.
- File HIPAA-compliant claims electronically – reduce turn-around time to a fraction of the time it now takes.
AS/PC® System Features – Management Features
- AS/PC® is appropriate for each level of your growth: single-provider office, multi-provider clinic, or multiple clinic settings – up to ninety-nine office or clinic locations.
- Analytical reports provide statistics for your overall practice, individual providers or specific patient categories.
- Monitor the financial growth of your practice with daily, month-to-date, monthly, prior period and annual reports.
- Export financial data to spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft® Excel® for analysis or for graphing for presentations.
Features of AS/PC®’s Patient Records
- AS/PC® records all routine patient information, such as name, address, employment status, date of birth, diagnoses, and insurance carrier. But it’s designed to accommodate much, much more — nicknames, the patient’s reason for selecting your practice; the number of days until the patient should return, dates of injury and partial or complete disability, three secondary carriers, a guarantor’s name, address and telephone, and whether to address statements to the patient or the guarantor.
- For your convenience, you can enter support-file information, such as diagnosis codes, referring physicians, carriers, or facilities codes, on the fly as you enter patient data.
- Sophisticated indexing techniques let you quickly access any patient record – regardless of the number of patients on file. Also, you can create and store your own indexes to control the sequence of patients displayed in reports.
- Simply enter three short pieces of information to register a new patient. Fill out the balance of the form any time before billing.
- Separate file system tracks “open problems” for all patients, and places a note on each patient’s file. Perfect for maintaining a log of open issues, or simply for tracking lab work or collection problems.
- Use multiple fee schedules and assign a patient to a specific schedule. The system will automatically select the correct fee schedule when charges are entered.
- AS/PC® keeps track of patient visits. You can easily track patients who have been in “x” or more times, or change settings such as the patient’s fee schedule or insurance co-pay percentage when appropriate. Supply a visit limit for any patient and the system will tell you when the limit has been reached.
- Record up to 4 diagnosis codes and 4 modifiers for each patient.
- Enter diagnostic codes by typing them or by clicking the selection from a pop-up list. Browse for the diagnosis code you want or jump to it by typing a short part of the code or its description.
- Produce an on-demand report for any patient, showing a chronology of that patient’s diagnosis history, or the diagnoses as they changed during a specific time period.
- View any patient’s current financial balances at a keystroke.
- Quickly find one or all patients who share a specific combination of characteristics.
- Produce personalized letters and reports to a patient, or for multiple patients at a time.
- Screen your patient records for missing information needed to produce valid insurance claims.
AS/PC® System Features – Charges and Payments Features
- Perform virtually all normal tasks associated with the flow of patients in and out of your office from one screen.
- Call up a patient record by typing a portion of the name, or the account number.
- As you enter charges, AS/PC® will notify you if the patient record is missing data needed for a valid insurance claim.
- Monitor capitation fees and multiple fee schedules for managed care and reduced fee programs.
- Tell AS/PC® to display a reminder if the patient’s health care plan requires some special handling.
- For your convenience, AS/PC®’s accumulator keeps a running total when entering a single insurance check against multiple claims.
- AS/PC®’s Flexible charges entry lets you enter charges by:
- Standard CPT codes, speed codes or catalogs that you design to represent a series of frequently used CPTs.
- Charges you enter are saved until you decide to delete them – even zero-charge transactions, if you choose.
- Track unpaid claims by line item or by claim – your choice.
- In handling any unpaid balance on an insurance claim, you may:
- re-bill the carrier,
- bill a secondary carrier,
- transfer the balance to the patient,
- write it off.
- When entering payments on a claim, you have all the information you need right in front of you, including all line item details, the amount you expected, all previous payments, payments by secondary carriers and more.
AS/PC® System Features – Insurance Billing and Patient Statements
- AS/PC® automatically prepares the standard CMS 1500 claim form, while you maintain control over every section that permits optional entries.
- You have near-total flexibility in preparing boxes 19 and 24 of the CMS form—the sections most affected by unique state and carrier requirements.
- Print individual claims or batches of claims according to criteria you supply – for example, Medicare claims or claims for a particular carrier.
- AS/PC® provides several separate routines to verify that all information needed for a valid claim is present.
- AS/PC® will never “accidentally” print a claim twice, but you can tell it to reprint individual claims as often as necessary.
- AS/PC® also lets you “re-batch” claims, should you run into a problem or make a mistake during the initial run. Fix the problem or correct the error, then unbatch the claims and run them again. AS/PC® also gives you the option to re-batch secondary claims.
- An available Claims Register logs and tracks primary claims, secondary claims and tracers, and may be run for the current month or prior months.
- Print secondary claims right from the payment screen after receiving payment from the primary carrier.
- Insurance tracers are available on demand.
- AS/PC® provides multiple statement formats, each with a wide variety of customizing options.
- Generate a text file to send statements electronically to Emdeon. For a fee, Emdeon/Express Bill will print the statements to paper and mail them to your patients, leaving your staff more time for other tasks.
Electronic Claims Features
- Submit directly to all commercial insurance carriers at no charge per claim.
- Submit to our Free clearinghouse.
- Process selected claims on paper, and file the rest electronically or send all claims to a clearinghouse and let them determine appropriate filing methods.
- Choose any or all of these filing techniques!
- Download and post insurance payments quickly and accurately with AutoPay.
Computer System Requirements
A Word about Hardware…
At 1st providers Choice, we know that our customers expect a higher level of performance than that delivered by “basic requirement” systems. That’s why we also provide a “recommended configuration” that describes a system that will allow your AS/PC® software to operate at its best.