1st Providers Choice
Guaranteeing Success to today’s Health Care Providers in the areas of EMR & Practice Management Software, Implementation, Training, Support and after implementation support services.
1st Providers Choice is committed to making a change for Health Care Providers Nationwide by providing one of the best EMR and Practice Management Software Solutions in the country. We are backed up by a team of industry professionals who provide the caring implementation, training and support services.
1st Providers Choice is a privately held corporation based out of Chandler Arizona. In 1983 the team at 1st Providers Choice opened their regional office in Des Moines Iowa which is still open as of today. Most of the 1st Providers Choice Training, Implementation and Support team is located throughout the US strategically placed geographically based on the number of existing customers and new customers coming on board annually in each area.
1st Providers Choice is a leader in Specialty Specific Ambulatory EMR and Practice Management Software. With customers located throughout the US in all 50 states. One of the keys to their success is the superior implementation, training and support services.
1st Providers Choice specializes in Fully Certified Specialty Specific EMR and Practice Management Software, Ambulatory Surgery Center EMR Software and Enterprise Level EMR Software. What the company learned years ago was that if you put in a lot of extra effort and highly develop the software programs, to the specific providers individual needs, it will save the provider a lot of time when it comes to daily patient visit notes and documentation.
Every possible input method known to man is available to you within our EMR and Practice Management software program, the EMR Software is Touch Screen Enabled, Fully Voice-Enabled. It allows you to use a Templated Note, pull from a Previous Note and you can use your iPad, your iPad Mini or even iPhone to do patient notes. In addition we have an application for the Android tablet an Android phone, a Windows tablet, Touchscreen monitor or of course regular typing. By providing the physician with so many input methods it allows them to very quickly and easily document the encounter while they are with their patients during the treatment. This allows them to save a tremendous amount of time and when they finish up the day with the last patient they get to go right home to their family and kids with a big smile on their face knowing all the documentation and patient visit notes are completed and done.
The Team as 1st Providers Choice is celebrating their 30th anniversary of helping providers throughout the country. In the year of 2013 we have experienced over 40% growth in terms of the size of the team and the annual revenue. The customer user based has also increased dramatically so we are adding team members accordingly.
We are very excited about what’s to come in the year of 2014 as we move into Stage II of Meaningful Use and a massive transition to help providers move into ICD 10. We are proud to be working very hard to simplify these processes for physicians so they can continue to focus on patient care while we take care of the tricky things involved with keeping up with all these challenges.
The entire 1st Providers Choice Team is based here in the US, there are a few specific services like data conversion and programming that we do outsource outside of the US, otherwise all physician services, implementation services, training services, billing services and support services are US-based.
One of the things that really surprises the physicians throughout the country is that we do provide a happiness money back guarantee. If for any reason we are unable to provide the software and solution that you are anticipating, we give a full money back refund.
Once you decide to move forward a team of industry professionals are assigned to your account so you have your own personalized physician trainer, a trainer for your administrator or office manager and for your staff. A meaningful use expert is also assigned to guide you through the Attestation process in applying for your Stimulus Money. A Data Conversion expert will be assigned to help coordinate the process. In addition we help get your data from your existing program over to the new EMR software. We use a team of programmers to do the data conversion and we have now converted most of the EMR and Practice Management Software in the US today. In addition we assign a Project Manager and a Dedicated Support Person. A typical implementation from start to finish for a 1 to 5 physician clinic is about an eight week process. When we move to 5 to 10 physician clinics it’s not uncommon for them to run at about 90 days from start to finish. For practices with 10 providers on up to 100 providers additional resources are assigned to streamline the process and allow us to get the facility from initially starting the training to go live in a very timely efficient manner. For Facilities with over 100 providers we are on-site for a minimum of two full weeks.
The customer makes the decision on whether or not training and implementation is done over the phone and Internet or provided on-site. Because of how easy the EMR software is, we’ve dramatically simplified the use of the visit notes and documentation so it is unnecessary for most providers to have us come on-site. Although we do enjoy the opportunity to meet you face to face and get to better understand the inner workings of your clinic which is accomplished with an on-site visit.
1st Providers Choice Specialize In:
- Fully Certified Specialty Specific EMR and Practice Management Software
- Ambulatory Surgery Center EMR Software
- ACO and Enterprise Level EMR Patient Member Software Solutions
- Mobile EMR Software Solutions
- Specialty Specific Patient Portals
- Web Based EMR Software
- Server Based EMR Software
- Patient Accounting and Practice Management Software
- Electronic Claims Software
- Medical Voice Recognition Software
- Medical Billing Services – Revenue Cycle Management
- EMR & Practice Management Software Implementation
- EMR & Practice Management Software Training
- EMR & Practice Management Software Support Services
- EMR & Practice Management Software Data Conversions
- Computer Hardware, Networking and IT Services
For more details, please fill out a form here or call 480-782-1116. Thanks for your interest.