All Payer Solutions

We specialize in:
EMR/EHR Software – Practice Management Software – Billing Software & Services

Practice Accounting & Practice Management Software – Documentation Software- Electronic Claims Software – EMR Software – Medical Scheduling – Medical Notes Software – Electronic Posting of payments & explanation of benefits – Medicare Electronic Billing – BC/BS Electronic Billing – Paperless Office Solutions Since 1983 providers all over the U.S. have enjoyed the flexibility and power of IMS. The software is designed to flow with your practice and provide efficiencies that will save you money and free up valuable staff time. Patients are checked into the appointment scheduling module as they arrive. It then automatically checks the patient into the Notes & EMR program. The provider documents the note that generates the procedure codes to be billed. Claims are sent electronically directly to the carrier. Payments are posted electronically and funds are wired to your bank account. Just having a computer system is not enough in today’s complex billing world. Modern systems need to be optimized to virtually eliminate date entry, reduce mistakes and free up people to do the most important work. Free on-line training is also available. In other words, you can install IMS and try it, get professional training and decide rather you like it FREE of charge! We’re confident that once you see the ease and power of this mature system – you will want to own and use it. For more details, please fill out a form here or call 480-782-1116. Thanks for your interest.

To request more information – click here or call 480-782-1116.