Pediatric EMR Facilitates Pediatric Care
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All too often, pediatricians opt for generalized EMR systems only to find out later that their software does not fully meet the needs of their specialty. Though generic software systems are able to perform basic functions and provide access to generic templates and forms, pediatric medicine requires features and capabilities that all-encompassing EMRs do not usually include. The absence of such features often forces generic EMR users to keep parts of their workflow on paper, creating a gap in patient care. The solution to this problem is adopting a pediatric EMR system with specialty-specific configurations.
Over the years, IMS’ pediatric EMR has evolved to include specialty-specific functionality like no other EMR system. This ensures that pediatricians have access to the tools necessary for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment – all geared specifically towards children. These features include:
Pediatric-specific templates: Because patient visits can vary greatly between a newborn baby and a thirteen-year-old child, pediatric software systems allow different templates to be selected depending on a child’s age. Templates designed for pediatric providers also cover behavioral conditions that often affect children more so than adults. This includes conditions and disorders such as ADHD, breath holding, bruxism, head banging, pica, tics, autism, and other learning disabilities.
Other specialty-specific modules for pediatric EMR users include:
- Symptom and condition-based templates
- Child psychology
- Newborn complaints and birth injuries
- APGAR and BALLARD scores
- Neonate examination
- 2 month to 10 Years examination
- Well Child exams
Immunization management tools: Immunization management makes it possible for pediatricians to keep track of the vaccines each child has had, as well as those that are still missing. Through pediatric EMR software, physicians are able to set reminders to alert them of when a patient is due for their next shot, ensuring that each child is receiving preventative care.
Growth charts: Pediatric growth charts allow physicians to map a child’s height and weight, easily calculate body mass index, and monitor growth patterns in order to identify diseases early on.
Aside from pediatric-specific features, IMS’ pediatric EMR eliminates redundant paperwork and contributes to making your practice truly paperless. Contact us to learn more about the many features and functionalities available to pediatric EMR users.