Join 1st Providers Choice at AAPM’s 32nd Annual Meeting
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1st Providers Choice is excited to announce that we will be attending the American Academy of Pain Medicine’s (AAPM) 32nd Annual Meeting. We look forward to joining over 1,000 pain medicine professionals this year in the beautiful Palm Springs, California.
This year, pain medicine professionals will hear from renowned speakers and have the opportunity to earn up to 34.5 continuing education credits. Educational sessions will cover ultrasonography and medication management, and primary care providers will have the chance to attend a special program called Essential Tools for Treating the Patient in Pain. The exhibit hall will be full of hustle and bustle as well, packed with over 160 scientific posters and 100 vendors.
Amid all the excitement, 1st Providers Choice will be at booth 214 exhibiting our specialized Pain Management EMR. We developed and designed this software in collaboration with experts in the field of pain medicine. Our EMR is tailored to the unique needs of pain management professionals with specialized templates, care plans, and patient education. It also includes providers to safely and securely e-prescribe controlled substances.
Our Pain Management EMR includes these additional features:
- Quick documentation with built-in pain management templates;
- Kiosk features for patients to check-in to their appointment on their own;
- E-prescribing with dosing, allergy, drug interaction checks;
- Sleep medicine specific patient education;
- Preauthorization and referral tracking;
- Bar coded ID cards;
- Lab ordering and tracking; and
- Document and image organization.
We are proud and honored to join you next week in beautiful Palm Springs. Between educational sessions and your much-deserved relaxation, please visit us at booth 214 for a free demo of our Pain Management EMR. We can show you are unique features and demonstrate how they save time and improve patient care. To learn more about the conference, visit the AAPM website or contact us at 480-782 -1116.